Saturday, April 16, 2016

Digital Marketing via Network Analysis

Digital Marketing via Network Analysis

Artificial Intelligence(AI) is gonna drive the world.  In this process, network analysis is gonna play a big role.
Slowly we are moving from traditional data analytics to the most charming data science in a way that we are moving from traditional marketing to digital marketing.. As a result of it, companies become smarter in catering to the needs of their customers, in predicting their sales volume, resource needs, the next problems, the right recommendations and in automating many manual processes.  Moreover, so-far-piled up data suddenly become an asset for the companies for a reason the data science is gonna find the hidden insights and patterns.  In this process of data science evolution, network analysis is emerging as a very important concept.
   For digital marketing professionals, it is important to know the networks of their potential customers. In layman's terms, a person is most likely to be an average of his most connected friends. We can send the right recommendation  (of discount, offer, coupon,  event invitation) to our customers; and as a result of it, conversion ratio ( a measurement which reflects the impact of the marketing campaign) can be dramatically improved. When we are doing influence marketing, we need to know main influencers of the brand  and pattern of their mentioning the brand at regular interval.It will help us get the right strategy for the companies.
Let us have a look at key words of network analysis/digital marketing.       Graphhas been taken from graph theory to emphasize that rigorous mathematical analysis will be applied as opposed to the relational representation in the social network.The social graph in the internet  context is a graph that depicts personal relations of internet users. The interest graph is an online representation of the specific things in which an individual is interested.  Suppose a person wants to find new movie to watch  or a new place to eat or a new music  to listen . While knowing what movies, authors and music his friends like,  social graph or interest graph is quite useful.
Facebook has achieved online dominance through strong grasp on both the interest graph and the social graph . Facebook is growing their advertising business by leveraging the knowledge of social and interest graphs.
While the social graph and the interest graph are based on explicit people-to-people connections and people-to-object connections, the taste graph  tries to understand why these connections are made. In theory, taste graph finds out why a person liked a movie based on his/her taste, then it can recommend the right movies to the person.
Let us take an example of entire social graph for an analysis of an interest group/pressure group in our society. Now imagine some of the connections between the nodes/persons suddenly start to disappear.  The social graph gets fragmented into a collection of separate islands/groupings/communities. In other words, the initial group get divided into smaller groups Whole process can be mathematically analyzed and hence we can dramatically improve our recommendation engine, predictive models, clustering/segmentation process and associative mining.

Facebook Data redefines the marketing strategy

Facebook Data redefines the marketing strategy

Facebook is an addiction, a habit , a lifestyle and an integral part of our life. Now it is going one step further as it is getting popular for all sorts of marketing campaigns. No matter which size or category of your business, Facebook data has records of all possible customers. So  a business owner or leader does not need to go and try various advertisement platforms. Most of small business leverage social media for marketing purposes. This marketing can be dramatically improved if we leverage the social and interest graph.
  Traditionally, business leaders went through the process of selecting the advertisement platforms and campaign venues and that used to consume huge time, efforts and money. Moreover there was little or no business advantage from most of the marketing efforts. Main reason behind not-so-successful marketing campaign was that we were not able to identify the most probable customers or we were not able to have social graph or interest graph to identify the right customers and to build the best recommendation to the existing customers.
Overall marketing strategy has been changing. Now we are getting better in identification of the right customers and the right products for those customers. In short, a powerful marketing has been on rise. 
The social graph is the social network of relationships between users of social networking services (Facebook/Twitter etc).
The interest graph appears to be more valuable than the social graph  because it offers you the hint of which product/category/item the person is most likely to buy.  Based on that, advertisement policy can be designed to have high conversion rate. For example:  If most of your friends (on social graph) recommend Puma, your group should like the advertisement of Puma. It will better the strategies of  upselling  and cross-selling Puma products. 
To illustrate a [Facebook] social graph, I have built web based interactiveapps. [Names of Facebook friends(nodes) are slightly modified. They are friends on Facebook Social Graph] You can drag the nodes  or select the nodes. You can zoom in and out as well.
In short, Social graph and Interest graph are powerful tools to serve the purposes of digital marketing  which are described below.
Purposes of Digital Marketing [through social media]:--
  •  Identification of highly connected friends of your existing customers [with help of Social graph to increase customer base]
  •  Identification of Influencers  [Identifying key influencers of our products/services on social graph by analysing the eigen-vector centrality and degree of each node(person) in social graph and interest graph so as to decide the advertisement policy]
  •  Building a recommendation engine for existing customers [upsell and cross-sell strategy to increase revenue/profit] 

Based on the power of social graph and interest graph, Facebook is going to change the marketing world forever on this planet.

P.S.: Breaking News: Facebook testing hyperlocal services website in India. Facebook has been testing a hyperlocal website that helps people discover local services ranging from spas and wellness to event planning and pet services.